Here is Cole checking out his cake!
*I got the template from the Betty Crocker Website. (AW)
Recipes for the cheap and easily impressed home cook.
OK, people, let’s talk about soup.
Soup is a weird subject for me, because I love it, but I don’t ever seek it out. At times, it doesn’t seem like real food to me, which is crazy, because it fills me up like regular food. There’s just something about it that doesn’t seem...substantial. I would never order it at a restaurant. Compared to honest to goodness food that you can sink your teeth into, soup just something less-than, if that makes sense.
There have been times in my life, like the great Pho Disaster of February ’10, that I have a bowl of soup for a meal, and I eat it too fast (this will be a theme with me, believe it), and I find myself clutching my stomach and groaning like a sick toddler, because the Eternal Truth is this: Soup is meant to be savored, enjoyed, relished.
I am not good at relishing food. I approach food like a battle, and I want to win it, and win it quickly.
So this is the paradigm into which this amazing soup was introduced. I can’t say I ate it slowly, but there was enough substance (ham, orzo pasta, cabbage) there that made it feel like an honest-to-God meal, and a hearty one at that. I ate three bowlfuls, in quick succession, but was still good for a quick walk-around-the-block a half-hour later. This is a Soup Record for me. (DW)